Thursday, October 15, 2009

I saw this on Ohmakemeup and I'm a secret/subtle narcissist.. (i think most people are.. in some form) so i thought i would see what i could come up with

A - Amina & Ayisha are my daughters names & i think if i have anymore kids they'll probably have A names too.. i dunno where my love for A names came from but i just love them!

B - blueberries are my new found addiction, i eat them everyday, I'm constantly going out to buy more and i hope all those anti-oxidants work!

C - cleaning is something i hate to do but seem to spend a lot of my time doing it..

D - dogs freak me out! big ones, little ones... i don't hate them I'm just scared of them and choose to stay away
from them as much as possible

E - eggs, i love eating eggs fried, scrambled, poached, boiled.. i once at 4 in one meal.. is that bad for you??

F - funky, back in high school, that was how my friends described me.. i don't know why but I'll take it!

G - green is one of my favourite colour yet it is one of the colours that just doesn't look good on me & to think my primary & high school uniform were both primarily green

H - hair, I've been battling with my hair my whole life, when i was young i used to think if i brushed my hair enough it would go straight & of course it just got fuzzier, fluffier and worse! I'm 23 and only now am i starting to learn to live with and love my curls

I - Indonesia, my home land, i miss it so, i wish i could go back more often & i really wish as a country they would step up & make it as wonderful as it can be

J - Japanese, i was pretty good at it in high school, i could read it, speak it, understand it and now i have slowly lost it.. konichiwa!

K - kid cudi! gah i am obsessed with this man, love his new album, his style.. just his whole vibe!

L - little, I'm 5" (150cms) exactly.. i always knew i was little but i didn't really how little i was till i had kids & everyone would say "wow your kids are so small and tiny, just like their mummy.." sorry kids!

M - mother, people don't love their mothers enough, i love mine to the fullest and I'm telling you, that's still not enough, right from carrying a life around for 9 months, to birth, to ALL the things that a mother does for her child/ren, there is no way to repay that.

N - nail polish.. I'm 23 and i still am HOPELESS at putting nail polish on myself & other people.. i used to paint & i studied art in high school yet nail polish is still such a challenge for me... my technique is to get it everywhere and scratch off the excess when its dry

O - oranges, due to an incident with orange juice being squirted in my eye by accident in pre-school i have HATED oranges ever since.. i still do and i think i always will

P - painting, i miss it, I'm poor at it, but i love it!

Q - quick, i like to do most things quickly like cleaning, cooking, reading, etc.. i just feel like i have so much to do in a day and that's the only way I'm going to get it all done!

R - reading, Ive always been a book worm, i would choose books over TV hands down, my parents bought be toys sometimes but ALWAYS were happy to buy me books.. my kids love reading too and i think if you love reading that just makes school that bit easier on you.

S - SARAH, my initials are SSS which makes S the best letter ever, Ive always felt special for that

T - tacos, my mum is an AMAZING cook and there is not one meal that i can make that is equal or better then hers, except tacos! my tacos taste exactly the same as hers, and i think that's just because we use to same taco kits from the supermarket

U - ugg boots, i think they re so ugly and i don't care if they're so comfortable, and i don't care if they came from Australia, they're ugly and you should NEVER wear them out of the house!

V - vegetables, i love them, my favourites are mushrooms, broccoli, spinach, corn, potatoes, snow peas, cucumbers, zucchinis, snake beans.. that's all i can think of right now, i have considered becoming a vegan on so many occasions but i love steak!!

W - water, drinking more then 3 glasses a day of plain water makes me feel sick, Ive been trying to get my 6-8 glasses a day but i cant do more then 4 without feeling so gross!

X - x-ray.. Ive stubbed both my pinkie toes on different occasion and thought nothing of it then a long time later my doctor noticed how my pinkie toes were kind of larger then usual so he got them x-rayed and they're both broken! they don't hurt but they aren't that cute either oh well!

Y - young, i wish i could be this for a while longer, I'm scared of turning 25.. cant imagine what its going to be like when i turn 30

Z - Zhane, a female duo who had a song "Hey Mr DJ" which i loved back in the 90s when it came out and i still love it to this day!!

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